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Blockchain BACnet Data Logger

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Why use BACledger?

Data has become one of the most important aspects of owning and operating a Building, yet most stakeholders don't have access to it or rely on external contractors to provide it.


With a BACledger device you regain ownership of your data, allowing easy access to it from anywhere in the world, and it provides you the tools to audit against contractors that may only be telling half-truths.


Simple. Reliable. Trusted.

Simple Setup

We have streamlined the data collection process so

you don’t need a data science degree to get going.

The process is a easy as:


Plug device into network

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Register device to your account

View your trusted data


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Data you can Access

BACledger auto-magically scans your network and begins harvesting data using our unique throttling algorithm; designed to ensure reliable data logging across all points on your network without impacting on it's performance, and with minimal configuration.

Your data is viewable from anywhere in the world, in near real-time, and can be a point of integration with other systems via our APIs.

Data access should be a no-brainer


Data you can Trust

Your data is stored on a distributed ledger (blockchain) that no-one can manipulate, not even you! We offer both private and public blockchain options so you can still have control over who has access and where it is stored.

Data integrity should be non-negotiable

Get started now

Begin the journey toward trusted logging of your building data, now

What is your role?

Thank you

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